Tuesday, April 7, 2009

To whom it may concern...

If there is one thing that I have learned in my relatively short time here on this earth, it's that every story has two sides. And historically, the side that generally gets told is the side coming from the person with the biggest mouth. Leaving the quieter, less confrontational, less in High School person with a decision to make. Either they can yell more loudly than the first and defend themselves or they can just hope that those people considering themselves true friends and family will care enough and be courteous enough to ask for the quieter version of things. Because they know the person and they know the nature of her personality... There simply MUST be an explanation.

And so I say to those of you who obviously care a little bit because you are here visiting my blog-- if you have been told or have read something about me in the last week that causes a question of my moral character to come into your mind...PLEASE come talk to ME!!! Because I tend to be a bit on the shy and timid side of SELF DEFENSE and I tend not to want to attract attention to myself at all costs. And because you know me... you must know that I am anything but malicious or psycho so please consider the possibility that I just may have a story of my own to tell. And when all is said and done you may even find yourself amused and giggling at the hypocrisy of the whole saga.

But please oh please whether you decide to draw your own conclusions based only on hearing one pathetic side OR whether you decide to get to the bottom of things by hearing both versions... leave my darling husband out of this because anyone who professes to know him (I mean holy cow... even my family, who have only known him for what??? 15 months at the most...) know without a shadow of a doubt that BLOGGER, in particular "certain" BLOGSPOTS would be the very last thing he would be interested in looking at on the web. Some people REALLY need to get over themselves. For crying out loud... I have to BEG him to look at our blog and he is the subject of almost every entry. Anyone who thought for one second that he logged onto the the Internet and BLOGGED should be really embarrassed because you really don't know him at all. Next time, before you call someone out on something, you should really do more investigating. And he'll take his apology in the form of a text or an email.

So... fiance's, wherever you are, you can TOTALLY relax. Back yourself away from your keyboard because I can assure you that you are the ONLY man interested in your girl. (You might take some comfort in knowing that he wasn't even interested in her when he was supposed to be and he certainly isn't NOW). It's me and me alone who is interested in the talents, beauty and class that she possesses. Or maybe I am just plain nosey just as much as all the people, including HER, who visit my blog on a daily basis and read my stories and don't leave comments and have every right to do so because we all knew when we chose to "toot our own horns" on the World Wide Web we ran the risk of catching the attention and maybe impressing people that we both know and don't know. And maybe even gain an unintended fan or two. I am proud of the friends I have made through blogging. And I am proud of the blogs I choose to follow, those women help me to be a better person.

But to the reader of this particular blog... if you have ever visited a site of someone who you didn't know but who completely impressed you because they are simply impressive and caused you to want to know more about them and drew you in with their personality or spirit put yourself in the same boat as me.

And whatever you choose to call me, and however you choose to label me and however you choose to publicly hurt or embarrass me, I can promise that never at any time did my interest in any blog intend to pose a threat!!! Believe whatever you want to about me, try to convince others of it too, if you must. But if you could possibly grow up for just a second and try very hard to get out of high school and pause to let yourself consider another alternative, you could simply just choose to be flattered. It is a good thing to know that others admire you for the person that you are. Ultimately, isn't that why we start blogs and exaggerate the events in our lives in the first place?


Unknown said...

Kaci- when I think of the sweetest and kindest and dearest people on this earth I think of you. I just love you. I know your heart and I love every inch of it. You are the cutest girl and I would be honored if you chose to look at my blog. I think that you would only choose the very best ones. Don't you let the words of anyone cause you pain. You'll get wrinkles and start looking your age... Finally.

JoJo and Ralph said...

Kris- Did you mean to make my day? Because you did. Where have you been all my life? You've been blogstalking me huh, you crazy cat. I love you too. Send me a big fat email and tell me about your spastic self. I love that you finally left a comment.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said, Kaci, and all true! I'm proud to be your mother!

Chelsea said...

I liked reading this post because I am such a blog-stalker! haha. I love reading other people's blogs whether they are good friends or just acquaintances! And I've been blog-stalking yours as well, hope you don't mind!:)

Ellsworth Party of Four said...

Kac- I LOVE this post and I LOVE you! I love that you take responsibility for things and don't put fault on others to cover up your mistakes. I love that you care about people you don't even know and worry about their happiness...even those who deliberately set out to hurt YOU.
I hope you know that no matter what...I am always on your side. Unfortunately our lives have become quite similar these past couple years and more unfortunately just in the past few weeks...I am sorry for the pain and hurt caused by people who don't TRULY understand! But I DO!!! and I think you are AMAZING! but FORTUNATELY we both have been blessed with NEW PERFECT...or close to...husbands that enrich our lives, stand beside us there hard times and who absolutely LOVE us! What more could us little girls ask for?

Kaeders said...

I agree with your sister. Raleigh is the greatest thing that has ever happened to you, especially through this whole mess. I love ya, you know that.

val said...

blogging can be so great and such a pain all at the same time. i know the real, sweet, fun, gum popping, beautiful kaci and i guess not everyone is quite as lucky.
hope you are feeling well these days.

Neilson Family said...

YOWZA!!! Don't even want to know what that was all about, but that was spoken like a true hard ass (sorry Mama Little for the language). Whoever is messing with you better back off. Kaci is feisty when she has to be. Love you girl. Hope everything is going good for you.


Happy Hour...Somewhere said...

I hope you feel flattered because I am an "unintended fan" of yours~! Karen turned me on to your site and I love every post--even if I don't leave a comment. One day maybe we can race cars down Rancho California and honk our horns at the pokey pants in our way~!

The fly-fisherman said...

Geez- Makes me scared to blog stalk. For crying out loud- who DOESN'T blog stalk??? I read my friends' blogs and their friends' blogs and their friends' blogs. If you don't want your blog read, then don't create one- or make it private for hell's sake. But don't cry if someone looks at it. It's like a woman who undresses in front of an open window and then cries "peeping Tom" when someone sees her.
People are just naturally nosy. You know what they say... 94% of American women are nosy- and the other 6% are liars! I think of blog stalking like people watching- which is a favorite pass time of mine. Anyway, I am sad that anything unkind was said about you. Anyone who REALLY knows you will know that you would never blog stalk to be hurtful. Hope it all works out. And poor Raleigh... I can't believe someone would actually think he was blog stalking. That is funny. Yes- Raleigh the Blogger. I think a new nickname is in store.
Gotta go- I need to check out the blogs of those who left you comments :) Ooops- I'm stalking again.

The fly-fisherman said...

Sorry- but I have a joke for ol' "Blogger" (you know, Raleigh)... What do all BYU and UofU students have in common?

They all applied to BYU! Hahaha.

Good luck with your situation Kaci!


Unknown said...

You have no idea who I am. And I swear I am not crazy. And I have no idea who this is directed to, but she (I'm assuming it's a she) she should know that I am a friend of a friend who knows Eric. And I JUST LOVE YOUR BLOG. I look at it everyday. I too am an unintended fan. And YOU should know you are darling and if it's okay, I will continue to be impressed by YOU.

The Barton's said...

Kaci I love ya! you are still so dang cute. I am finding all my NORCO CORONA friends thanks to Erin STaffenson ??? ck my blog bartonfive.blogspot.com

Norma (Taylor)Barton

JoJo and Ralph said...

Norma- Tried and wanted desperately to leave you a comment.
I am so glad that you found me. I think of you and Peggy from time to time. Hope you are both well. Kaci

Court said...

I love this, I dont even know what its about, but I like that point that you are emphasizing here, I deal with this kinda crap on a daily basis. Love your brother, Court

JoJo and Ralph said...

Okay... "Ashley Anoyes" I first of all want to say that "my spouse" and I have enjoyed and have gotten a chuckle out of each and every one of your visits. We consider it flattering that you are so interested in our comings and goings that you visit both of our blogs... and often. We are fortunately both mature enough to handle that you like to look at what we are up to and want to keep up on our lives. However, you should know that we do call you "Ashley Anoyes the internet’s biggest hypocrite" because that is exactly what you are.

We pay $40.00 a month for a tracker for both of our blogs. This enables us to see EXACTLY who views our words. Even when you think that you are being sneaky, we can see very clearly that it is YOU.

Which, I will state again is totally fine, and please continue if you are so inclined, but you should probably NOT do the very thing you so very immaturely threw a baby tantrum over. Trying to make yourself the world's biggest victim by rallying all your friends around you, THREATENING to go private with your blog for what was it??? Like a week and then manipulating them by asking for their emails, and condolences in a “poor me” fashion, all the while behind the empathetic backs of your friends, you were doing the EXACT same thing to us that you were accusing us of doing to you. I wonder what these friends would say if they knew. Probably think you were as dumb as we do.

I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you are pretty lame and not that bright. And you should probably stay off of both of our blogs since you so very kindly asked that of us and we have diligently complied. OR I just may be compelled to write a post calling YOU out. I wonder what your Kurtis would think if he knew you were so interested in US. Since he is such a BA with a keyboard and all.

Thank you for visiting once again and reading this, I only wish you were as cool as you think you are, but sadly you are not.
October 10, 2010 4:31 PM

Me and Mike said...

Oh man, I freakin' love you. This post was such a crack up to me at the time it was written, but this comment is hilarious. Especially after our talk the other day. I see things so much more clearly now and have such a different understanding of EVERYTHING. I hate mean girl drama too. This is funny

Love ya